How to Make Your Brand Stick Through Visual and Information Hierarchy

Decisions done in a brand’s visual are critically rooted in a brand’s identity, strategy, and goals, and aligned with universal principles in design. Visual hierarchy or deciding which visual should get the most attention is a result that follows after a careful study of the prior.

It will also depend on the medium you will use to publish your material. Are you publishing a billboard, a Facebook advertisement, or a television ad?  A digital placement’s message, for instance, needs to be delivered as quickly as possible. The overall aim is to communicate all the information you want to give them and, eventually, get a desired reaction from them.

Know Who You're Talking To

This will set the tone of your visual hierarchy. For instance, if you’re posting about your sale, the key information communicated should be discount, the sales dates, and the product. How are you going to get the attention of the viewer? Through a story.

That story may be about the sale itself:


Another way would be one that showcases the product as well:


…and you can also bank on a catchy copy to get their attention first.


Let's Get Technical

Let’s make that visual beautiful! Here are some guiding principles to help you craft your visual so that it’s aesthetically pleasing, while effectively communicating your message.

Contrast, size, alignment

In relation to your design’s information and visual hierarchy, use contrast to put focus on selected elements. To make your visual look clean and pleasing to the eyes, use  alignment to connect and organize elements logically. Use alignment principles strategically as well. For example, people tend to read from left to right, so putting the focal point on the left could be an effective approach. Use size, depending on how you want your visuals to complement each other. Small fonts, when used wisely, can get the attention of the viewer.

Be consistent!

To help you remain consistent to  your brand, use templates and construct a brand guide (brand identity, color, font, logo, voice, key message, tagline). This will not only help you in constructing things consistently, but also contribute to your efficiency in coming out with visuals.

There are lots of possibilities that you can play with when deciding your visual hierarchy, but always go back to your brand and your story. Let it be your guide as you navigate your way.

Thank you for joining us again this Monday. See you again next week for another engaging discussion.

Enjoy your coffee!

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