Getting that Click

How to Construct the Perfect Thumbnail

The growing competition between social media platforms is a daily battle for brands like yours. As the market evolves, trends are challenging companies to up they game to get their audience engaged. Someone once said, “Engagement is the heartbeat of any successful social media campaign, and videos are the rhythm that gets hearts pumping.”

Imagine you’ve made the perfect video. Now how do you get people to click it?

The simple rule (of thumb) is in creating a creative thumbnail and here are some tips to nail it (pun intended):


Engage the eyes

Research suggests that in 2023, the average social media attention span of a user is at 1.5 seconds only! Yup, we’re as surprised at first as you are. With this in mind, you need to utilize the power of relevant and creative imagery with the colors, elements, and font faces that give your audience a preview of what your video is all about in 1.5 seconds or less.

The starker the thumbnail, the more chances a viewer will make that click.

Consider this checklist:

  • Does it trigger an emotion?
  • Is it worth the curiosity?
  • Does it capture your video’s story?

Make it catchy

In relation to this, keep your in-artwork text short and sweet. This will send your message quickly and also make it stickier for the one who reads it.  On a technical note, using highly-searched keywords will improve the searchability of your video, so take time to know  which ones you can use to make a social media network’s algorithm work for you. Also,carefully decide when to use ALL CAPS, in order to utilize its impact.


Maintain brand consistency

Almost done and excited to upload? Don’t forget to review. Everything done should be consistent with your brand. Go back to the components of your brand like identity, design, voice, and tagline. Think of a theme or a look which you can apply in your channel’s thumbnails, while still maintaining excitement and appeal for each one.

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