How Do You Navigate Your Brand in the Digital Age?

The rise of digital media in the world, both for consumers and for brands, has had a massive effect in the way that brands are marketed. For sure, traditional media has not left the picture.

According to Vero Asean, traditional media, such as print, television and radio, still play an important role in the Philippines, providing in-depth coverage of both local and international events to the general public.

This being said, the spread of information through digital media is fast and plays a key role in engaging both loyal and potential customers. In the same report of Vero Asean, it says that almost 50% of Filipinos now use social media for news and entertainment. As of January 2023, there are 90.2 million Facebook users in the Philippines. In this number, around 42.8 million users are on TikTok, followed by approximately 19.02 million users on Instagram.  

These are big, relevant figures for any company. So, as a marketer, how do you navigate and manage the success of your brand in the digital age?


Educating Both Potential and Current Customers

Digital media gives an opportunity for any brand to be known. Make the most of this! Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow you to plan your social calendar carefully so that you can build your brand and disseminate information according to your terms. This also allows you to personally communicate with your market and make them feel what your brand is all about.

Check out the content planning tools of and Canva.

Establishing Your Brand Reputation: Be Consistent!

In our previous Monday Mentor newsletters, we have discussed the importance of brand consistency and the effect that it has on word of mouth. A continuously satisfying brand experience can give birth to brand ambassadors, who believe in your product or service, and openly talk about it positively for free.

In the digital age, information spreads like wildfire, so talking about your brand can either be positive or negative. Consistency is key to making sure that digital media works to your advantage!


What Happens in a Crisis?

In handling unfortunate events like these, consistency in your brand will always come to play!

What happens when negative statements about your brand go viral? Respond fast, but respond carefully. As we discussed earlier, information spreads like wildfire. Once you post something, there’s no turning back — even if you delete it (thanks to screenshots).

It’s always advisable to work with people who are experts in this area to avoid another mishap.

It’s a lot to take in, but master it and it will work for your brand! Always remember the 3 Cs.

Keep it consistent.

Keep your brand image clear.

Keep communicating!

See you again on Monday for another interesting discussion! This is your Monday Mentor, saying have a good week!

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