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Building a Brand Through Storytelling​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Building a Brand Through Storytelling September 10, 2024 Think of a movie that you really love. Why do you love it? Maybe elements like actors, music, or sceneries contributed to its appeal. But what makes it great? At the core of every great movie is the story. The concept is similar to your favorite brands. What do iconic ones like Nike, Coke, and Starbucks have in common? They have established a great brand story that their market can connect to. There are a lot of reasons why storytelling is important in branding. First, it leaves a longer impression on the viewer because of its emotional appeal and enticement. Storytelling is an age-old method of introducing an idea and transporting the audience/listener/reader into the world of that idea. Brand Stories merge the actual timeline of the brand, its milestones, as well as the image that it is trying to build. It establishes an idea in the mind of the people. So, how do you tell the story? Here are some factors to get you started: Coca Cola: Lessons from a Global Brand Coca-Cola has been building a history since it was founded in  1886 by John Pemberton. Last 2023, the company managed to earn a total of 46 billion dollars globally. What an amazing empire it has built. The majority of its marketing is rooted in a solid brand image and story. Watch more to find out how they did it. In the example of Coca-Cola, we see how an image is built through the years cohesively, integrating the aspects of a solid brand story. In your brand’s own way, the art of storytelling can be taken and used as a tool for company growth and success. Keep in mind that for Coke, it took more than a century to build the empire it has today. Dream big, but don’t hesitate to build a solid foundation. Be patient and thorough in your pursuit. Want to work together? Contact us and let’s tell your story. Have a great week, everyone! See you again on Monday! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Your Reputation is Your Brand: How Do You Build It from Ground Zero?​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Your Reputation is Your Brand: How Do You Build It from Ground Zero? September 10, 2024 You’ve got a good brand that you want to share and build a business from. Now that the world is filled with countless brands that are competing for attention, sales, and patrons, how do you bring yours into the picture? How do you build a good reputation from the ground up? Every iconic brand that you see now also started somewhere—without its empire or even its following. If they can do it, why can’t you? Here are some baby steps to help get you started. Source: Before you start building publicity, ensure your branding is SOLID The foundation of your brand’s reputation lies in the strength and consistency of your branding, product, and company values. It’s essential to invest time in meticulously developing these elements before introducing your brand to the world because a strong, cohesive brand foundation ensures that your brand resonates with your target audience, builds trust, and stands out in a competitive market. How exactly do you do this? Conduct market research to understand your audience, create a cohesive visual identity, and ensure your messaging aligns with your core values. You can also seek feedback from focus groups and industry experts to identify areas for improvement. While some insights will come only through experience, aim to refine your brand as much as possible beforehand. This way, when you connect with your target market, your brand is prepared to make a lasting impression. Invest in CONTENT MARKETING Once people start to take an interest in your brand, they will want to learn more about it. When they search your brand on Google, what kind of information do you want them to see? That’s where content comes in. Start with creating social media profiles and generating engaging posts. While it’s less expensive to begin with these basics, investing in high-quality content like a professional website, advertising, and public relations efforts can significantly enhance your brand’s value. Events and other communication efforts also play a crucial role in shaping your image and reputation in the market. These investments are worth it in establishing a strong and credible presence for your brand. Source: Source: The Public Now that anyone can create content in their own way, information or sentiments about your brand can also come from the public. Posts, reviews, and word-of-mouth have a big impact on how your brand is perceived. According to experts, more than 90% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising and in B2B, 91% of every sale is influenced by word-of-mouth. The challenge lies in the fact that opinions cannot be controlled. Therefore, having a solid product, service, and brand is crucial because everything inevitably traces back to them. We hope you learned a thing or two from today’s read. If you’re currently working on building your brand’s reputation, Your Monday Mentor believes in you! 💚 Have a lovely week! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Making Your Brand Recognizable in a Sea of Information​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Making Your Brand Recognizable in a Sea of Information September 9, 2024 According to an article in Lunio AI, the average person is now estimated to encounter between 6,000 to 10,000 ads every single day. Although there are no official figures, this gives us an idea of the amount of information surrounding a target market. If you want to build a successful brand, you need to be recognizable. Designing an impactful logo, building a website and other brand assets helps you to carve out a distinct style and this leads to brand recognition in the market. Your approach to your brand’s visuals will play a big part in your brand’s position in the market. Is it a high-end brand? Does your brand inspire? Does it promote creativity? A certain lifestyle? A dream? Let’s Start with Your Logo According to WixBlog, a logo is a symbol comprised of words, images, and colors to identify a brand or product. Some of the most iconic brands have highly recognizable logos that people can recall regardless if the brand’s name is written or not. How many brands can you name from the logos below? Source: Almost all, right? This is exactly the reason why developing a strong brand visual is important. Developing 360 brand visual The foundation of a good brand visual is a solid identity or who your brand is. As we discussed before, knowing your target market, mission, vision, tone, core values, and voice creates a persona. This is the essence of your brand or what your target market will gravitate to if they encounter it. Creating a visual is the act of translating that persona into an image that people will easily recognize. So, though there is a plethora of software to get you started executing, knowing and mastering the rationale of your brand’s assets by heart will make a significant impact on whether you design the right visuals or not. Let’s take a look at the infographic below: Source: Almost all, right? This is exactly the reason why developing a strong brand visual is important. Let’s take a look at Coach: Brand story from their website: “Bringing an appreciation for American pop culture and a love of craftsmanship to Coach, Stuart Vevers has been reimagining the heritage of our house since 2013. Inspired by the inclusive and courageous spirit of New York, his free-spirited collections have introduced Coach to a new generation.” Source: This is a great example of how all of it comes together visually if you know who you are. Always remember your identity, practice consistency, and most of all — stay authentic! There is so much to uncover! Explore it more by watching this BrandSpeakAsia video: Want to talk about it some more? Send us an email! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Got a product or service? ​ Now Let’s Find its Brand Voice ​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Got a product or service? Now Let’s Find its Brand Voice September 9, 2024 Just like that, it’s Monday again! How are you feeling? We’ve been discussing quite a lot about how being consistent with your brand distinguishes it in a sea of both direct and indirect competitors. Now, let’s rewind a little and focus on one of your brand’s foundations— its voice. So, what exactly is a brand voice and how do you find yours? Ready? Let’s begin. Who am I talking to? One of the main things that you should master first before crafting your identity is defining your target market or a group of people who you think your product or service is for. Once you’ve defined your target market, invest in getting to know them. What interests them? What kind of voice can they relate to? What are their passions and hobbies? What kind of careers do they have? What is a Brand Voice? According to an article in Linkedin by Blockclub, “A Brand voice is shorthand for “how your brand talks,” and it’s on display in all your non-visual communications, including website copy, social media posts, marketing emails, sales decks, conference presentations, product instructions, advertisements, press releases, and more.” Of course, to find your brand voice, you first have to define your identity, build by your key visuals as well as your other non-visuals including your values, mission, vision, etc. You may refer to the graph below as your guide. Source: One method to do this is by choosing an archetype for your brand, similar to how writers define its characters. For example, you defined your brand as a hero, he/she would be someone who thinks of others first and is inspiring and courageous. If you defined your brand as an artist, he/she would be someone creative, artistic, and imaginative. Watch this: Imagine your brand as a person. How would he/she speak? What type of words would he/she use? Would it be formal or casual? Deep, light, or a mix of both? Here’s something to get you started: Source: As we always say, remember to stay consistent! A well-defined voice is 100 times stronger than a cluttered one. Want to talk about it some more? Send us an email! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Protecting and Embracing Your Brand’s Authenticity in the Digital Age

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Protecting and Embracing Your Brand’s Authenticity in the Digital Age September 9, 2024 Authenticity connects. In an age where the media is flooded with filtered posts and crafted realities, encountering a brand who tells it like it is refreshing. Honestly will always find its way to an audience. So, now that you’re surrounded with a multitude of marketing options, infinite  possibilities in creative execution, as well as pressure to build your brand’s image, how do you maintain the authenticity of your brand? Source: Know Who You Are Marketing your product will always begin with a good product or service, and then, defining its identity. You may use the graph below as your guide. Now, when you’ve defined your identity, always, always stay true to it. Remember What You Are For Authenticity is a commitment and it’s not an easy feat. There will be times when your brand will encounter an issue or crisis whether to own up to it or embellish it. Likewise, you’ll be also faced with the pressure to drift away from your identity because of the pressure of competition and modernization. This is what happened to LEGO in the early days when their sales went down. Luckily, they were able to bounce back from this and adapt to the modern world while still maintaining who they were as a brand. To gain back its market share, Lego had to remember what the brand stood for— fostering creativity and learning through play. Following this realization, they veered away from their excessive diversification and made efforts to simplify their brand identity. The strategy: the company focused on embracing the iconic interlocking bricks that made them famous, focusing on castles, cities, and space. Source: Embrace Imperfections Source: The Volkswagen is one of the most iconic vehicles to grace the road because of its unique and fun form factor. It is the cool ride that turns heads and keeps people looking. When it came to America in the 50s though, the company had to deal with the fact that Volkswagen was not the usual car that Americans loved. In fact, if you compare it to the usual Ford and Chevrolet, its looks are practically the opposite. Instead of masking its “flaws”, Volkswagen crafted an entire campaign highlighting it and it became a massive success. Source: Source: Walk The Talk Beyond the campaigns and the marketing efforts — is the actual brand. What does it stand for? What is its voice? How do you show this? Through actions. Take for example Cebu’s Pacific’s Every Juan Flies blue ocean campaign that made them a legitimate competitor in the local airline industry. The copy crafted was extremely catchy and easily relatable. Now, for a second imagine if Cebu Pacific suddenly increased its prices during the campaign.  Yup, it just wouldn’t work. So, yes authenticity is hard work, but when it comes from a good place, your audience will feel it in your actions, words, and of course — your product. This wraps up our chat for the start of the week! See you again on Monday for another engaging discussion. …or let’s chat some more Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Connecting with Your Market Amidst an Attention Economy

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Connecting with Your Market Amidst an Attention Economy September 9, 2024 What exactly is the attention economy? An article is Business Today Journey describes it as such: “In the so-called “attention economy”, our attention is constantly bombarded with information, from social media, television, or news sources, such that it is difficult for one particular information source to truly captivate our attention and influence us. An easily distracted audience means that marketers must devise new strategies, whether that be through addictive/engaging UI or through social media “influencers”, to endorse their products in order to stand a chance in this new economy.” Business Today Journal, 2021 Source: Information is everywhere. With different kinds of sources surrounding people, it’s extremely challenging for a brand to stand out and get its market’s attention. Even more so if the fact of competing not only with your direct competitors, but also indirect ones who are also working to get the same audience attention. There are only 24 hours in a day and people are busy living their lives. The hours for information consumption is limited and competitive. So, how do you get your market’s attention in the digital age’s attention economy? Source: Crafting Relevant and Competing Content An audience responds to things that they can connect with. Case in point, it is important that you study, listen, and are constantly  updated with your audience. The type of content should be specifically designed to how your market behaves and thinks. How do they like their reading materials? Do they prefer short, bite-sized pieces of information? What kind of sense of humor do they have? Are they into nostalgic ‘throwback’ posts? Dissecting your market and crafting your content based on this without being intrusive will make your content standout more, maximizing the resources you used to develop it. Engagement and Call to action When the audience is captivated by your content, make the most of it. How do you do this? By creating an avenue to act. An example of this is how Facebook posts encourage users to like, share, and comment on their posts. By doing this, your content increases its traffic, possibly generating your business KPIs e.g. sales, and awareness in general. Source: Source: Mise en scène Don’t add to the noise surrounding your content. Once an audience is overwhelmed by your content’s clutter, there is a bigger chance that they won’t continue consuming the rest of it. Of course this depends if your audience is genuinely looking for that specific content or getting a hit from marketing efforts. Is it worth taking the risk? Of course not. Like mise en scène’s practice in film and in theater, curate your content so your audience won’t scroll past it or brush it off as noise. Yes, it is a challenge, but overcoming it and reaching your marketing will bring your brand a lot of business results and assets, including a relationship with your target market. This can translate to loyalty and eventually, organically create brand ambassadors and effortlessly increase your content tenfold.   Conclusion Remember the two Cs: Customer — always go back to your market. Content — is always the king of marketing. This has been your Monday Mentor! Have a good week, everyone! Want to chat some more? Send us a message or email. Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Empower Your Brand Through User-generated Content ​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Empower Your Brand Through User-generated Content September 9, 2024 A customer has a lot of ways to get information about your brand. There’s the highly used tri-media, and now, more innovative below-the-line channels such as LED billboards, events, and social media are utilized. There are different methods to build the content that you share in these mediums. These days, one of the most believable content that your product or service can share to your market is from user generated content. Source: What is user generated content? User-generated content (also known as UGC or consumer-generated content) can be described as: “Original, brand-specific content created by customers (at no cost to you) and published on social media or other channels. It comes in many forms, including images, videos, reviews, and testimonials.” (, 2022) This content is willingly done by consumers based on their experience with your brand and outlook towards it. It can be a highly credible source of information for a person in his or her consumer journey  because of its authenticity and candidness. Something as simple as a positive e-commerce review can convince someone to make a purchase or pocket something to eventually buy in the future How do you maximize this for your brand? Use it to highlight strengths. While user generated content comes from the consumers, brands can control what kind of content they want to get from your brand. For instance, back in 2014, Apple wanted to re-establish its credibility as a leader in  phone photography for its market, as well as possible new users. It then launched a campaign #ShotoniPhone for its iPhone 6 series, where people shared real-world experiences of using the iPhone as their daily photography tool. The result? The hashtag generated a whopping 29 million Instagram posts! Source: Source: Relive the Magic Back in 2015, Lego was already gaining momentum in rebuilding itself as a brand. It’s hard to believe that a brand like  Lego was in trouble financially, but this is exactly what happened in the early 2000s. Lego had to remember the magic that its brand stood for. One project was LEGO Ideas. This campaign worked for several reasons. First, it captured what made LEGO great in the first place allowing its users the freedom to create. Second, applicants who wanted their LEGO Idea to be produced had to promote their work to users and get a total 10,000 supporters. Apart from the actual sharing of highly-talented applicants, the produced items generated sales for LEGO. More importantly, it reintroduced the magic of LEGO to the people and the possibilities that you can experience as a creator. To tell a story Dove is a brand known for empowering people, introducing the #RealBeauty in 2004. which promoted the message for people to embrace their own beauty. It veered away from the stereotypical version that is usually gravitated to and seen in the media. It gave birth to tactical campaigns such as #2015 #SpeakBeautiful campaign, a partnership with Twitter to help counteract negative tweets about body image. Another one is Dove’s 2018 ‘No distortion’ campaign, where women shared unedited pictures of themselves with a “no distortion” seal from Dove. The brand described it as  the next stage in their commitment to always show women as they are in real life. According to a PR Newswire article, as of 2016, Dove had reached nearly 30 million young people across 138 countries, making the Dove Self-Esteem Project one of the largest providers of body confidence education in the world. Let us know how we could help you in strengthening your brand through the power of UGC, as always, we are just one message away! This caps up our Monday content. We look forward to providing you with more relevant content in the next ones. Until then, have a great week ahead! Source: Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Enhance Your Brand’s Presence By Applying These Content Marketing Moves ​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Enhance Your Brand’s Presence By Applying These Content Marketing Moves September 8, 2024 With all the traffic going on in the marketing sphere, capturing your audience is a challenge. A brand’s market behavior is becoming more complex as technology, careers, and lifestyles evolve, so beyond the actual competition, there are many factors to consider when vying for your target’s attention, amplifying your online presence, and establishing yourself as a brand. Make a content strategy based on a defined target market and overall brand identity   You can’t sell something that you don’t know. After you’ve mastered your brand’s overall identity, strategize on how to reach your target market based on their personality, behavior, and demographics. Source: This is an example of expert research that can help you navigate your content marketing strategy. For example, if your target audience falls in the 18-24 category, you can consider using Facebook ads, reels, and posts as executions. More specifically though, you need to know if your particular market is the one making up the big percentage of Facebook users in that age group. Here is an example of a more specific target audience description based on various research efforts. Source: Explore the world of video Its visual appeal as well as options to integrate it with other creative executions like words, sound, and movement, are only a few of the reasons why this is one of the most popularly used efforts by brands. An article on LinkedIn states that people spend an average of 80% of their usage on video consumption.  On the other hand, another article from, says that this type of content typically performs best with most algorithms, based on the fact it captures a viewer’s attention for longer. As an integrated marketing agency, we embrace the value of video content and strategically execute this with our brand’s target market. Here are some examples of how we merge different types of creative works through video content. Expanding your content through blogs Blogging is an affordable way to establish your online presence. It simultaneously drives traffic to your brand’s website through SEO, while at the same time, creating an avenue for the market to know your brand in detail. For instance, a skincare or makeup brand can invest in blogs about skin hacks, brand updates, or even profiles of its owners and ambassadors. Source: Relatable Content Have fun and be creative in crafting content that’s tailor-made for your market. For example, local jokes and memes resonate with people casually browsing during their work breaks or downtime. Chowking’s recent launch of their braised beef included a throwback teaser. Pinoys are known for sharing memories of their youth or earlier decades. This particular one earned a whopping response of more than 232K likes, 4.2K shares, and 15.6K comments (as of this writing). Source: This caps up today’s engaging and fun topic! We hope you were able to make the most of the long weekend and are now ready to hit the ground running. This has been your Monday Mentor! See you again next week! Want to discuss more? Send us an email! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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Brand Partnerships: The Multiplier Effect​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Brand Partnerships: The Multiplier Effect September 8, 2024 One brand is powerful, but combine it with another brand, and you’ll have the potential to reach a market that’s not usually within your scope. Alternatively, it is also a way to engage or tap your current audience. Brands have been doing it for years. Is it the right fit for your brand? Let’s explore the possibilities together. Internally, as a company we have conceptualized several successful brand partnerships. Gold Seas Tuna and Jump Manila, for instance, appeal to a similar market that values health and wellness. Partnering with them for activities like live online workouts increased awareness and recall for both brands. On the other hand, our Chatime x BT21 x Influencer collaboration was able to generate a 500% success for Chatime’s KPIs by creating non-intrusive awareness for the merchandise through the influencers’ activities and online presence. More specifically, Chatime was able to generate 6 months’ worth of merchandise sales in just 3 days! This is an example of how synergizing an appeal to a common market can generate a multiplier effect in terms of results. Using Each Other’s Strengths One brand may be iconic in sports, the other in fashion. One’s specialty might be  consumer goods, while the other may have a more niche market. This  is where using each other’s strengths to boost each other as brands comes in. Apart from these things, a combined budget and resources will benefit both. We’ve seen it done by H&M x Lanvin, Uniqlo x Jil Sander, Nike x Off-White, and many other brands. Zooming in locally, let’s take a look at this example. Uniqlo is a master at making itself more Filipino, with its localized marketing efforts and partnerships. One interesting effort is the one they made with Papemelroti—an established Pinoy brand that started as a small gift shop in the 60s. Papemelroti focuses on gift items and decorative accessories like bookmarks, stationery, notebooks, framed artwork, and the like. Last 2020, Uniqlo x Papemelroti collaborated for a UT collection featuring art by the latter’s designer Robert Alejandro, and other Filipino artists Liza Flores, and Abi Goy. The theme focused on capturing the Filipino Christmas, something ingrained in Pinoy culture. This collaboration works for a market looking for gifts and collectibles rooted in our country’s spirit — but with a modern twist. Combined with their other efforts, this makes Uniqlo’s local affinity stronger. For Papemelroti, on the other hand, this is a way to make the brand more current and relevant to more modern buyers. Source: Deciding Who to Collaborate With With a clear goal for your brand in mind, look for a partner who’s looking for a complimentary one. Your brands don’t even have to be from the same industry, the collaboration just has to make sense both for the brands and the audience. Clinique’s collaboration with Crayola Crayon is one of its most successful collaborations yet. The collaboration merged Crayola’s nostalgia and color expertise with Clinique’s makeup expertise and current market which used the crayons as a kid. Source: Always Go Back to Your Brand’s Identity Collaborations present a lot of possibilities, but remember to be careful to not lose track of your brand’s vision. As we always say, consistency is key! Once you lose sight of this, you’ll start to lose the identity of your brand, which is its essence. Explore the possibilities with: Brands Media Personalities Creatives Have fun! See you again on Monday for another interesting discussion! This is your Monday Mentor, saying have a good week! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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How Customers Become Ambassadors

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu How Customers Become Ambassadors: The Power of the Journey September 6, 2024 Of all the marketing efforts done an unpaid, first-hand recommendation of your product might be the most important and effective. Imagine your friends excitedly posting about restaurants they just tried and recommending them. For many, that would have a bigger bearing than simply encountering a random advertisement that hit them online. Beyond turning your customers into loyal customers, the ultimate goal is to turn them into brand ambassadors who are genuinely satisfied and excited about your product. Earning this from a customer takes a lot of work, consistency, and authenticity, but getting them to be product ambassadors goes a long way!   So, how is this done? First, Get Them to Try Your Product Ahhh, the customer journey. It starts with educating/informing, getting them to consider your brand, getting them to experience how it’s like to be a consumer of your brand. The journey extends after this, but for now, let’s focus on getting them to try your product. The chart below shows a version of the customer journey. Many factors will affect their decision to try based on the experiences and information that they come in contact with. Here, we can already see the importance of word  of mouth in the consideration stage. Maybe a best friend recommends a new clothing brand she just made a good purchase from. This could speed up the journey from information to purchase. In our previous mailers, we’ve discussed the importance of providing a consistent brand experience. This applies even at the informative stage. If you get their interest, this will move them to the next stages of research and consideration. Again, consistency will come to play again in every touch point. Source: Living up to the Hype It will always go back to the product. No matter how initial good marketing is, the actual product experience will have the most effect  on whether the customer even thinks of recommending the product. It is the truth revealed after all is said and done. A well-marketed bad product is one of the worst things because expectations were not met. Before selling your product, focus on the product itself. Source: Source: After-Service Matters! Let’s say a person buys a Rolex and needs it serviced. That person will expect top quality service that lives up to the brand’s name.  On the other hand, if for instance the customer is not satisfied with a product, the afterservice might make him or her decide to try again. Conclusion Word of mouth can go both ways- good or bad. The goal is to make customers ambassadors that spread good things. Yes, as we said in the beginning. earning this from a customer takes a lot of work, consistency, and authenticity, but getting them to be product ambassadors goes a long, long way! KEY TAKEAWAY: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Hope you enjoyed your Monday Perk! Want to talk some more? Send us an email or a message. Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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