Event Management

Event Management

Hybrid Events in the Current Marketing Landscape​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Hybrid Events in the Current Marketing Landscape September 10, 2024 When COVID entered the picture, everyone was taken by surprise. Suddenly, the freedom to go out and about was taken away and people were facing a new reality. People, however, are resilient beings. With technology as our friend, we were able to cope and create a temporary reality integrating a version of life’s activities including parties, work meetings, and of course, celebrations, and events. Brands and services had to adjust their strategies on how to move forward and so, the birth of online events took place. Thankfully, the world opened up again and people could see each other again. Creativity and technology have merged to create what is known as hybrid events, fusing both the advantages of the digital and the physical world. So, how do you know if executing a hybrid event is good for your business? Let’s find out, shall we? Frequently Asked Questions About Hybrid Events Q: What is a hybrid event? A: According to socio.events, a hybrid event is “any type of gathering that combines aspects of in-person and virtual events into one comprehensive experience.” In simple terms, it’s a blended format where an attendee can either engage in the event content at the physical venue or digitally through the use of technology (i.e., an event platform). No matter how they choose to participate, all event attendees can seamlessly interact with their fellow guests, sponsors, and exhibitors. plementary brands? If yes, it could tell you that the influencer is knowledgeable about your product and could even provide their audience with valuable insight regarding your brand. Does the influencer share the same core values as your brand and product? Of course, you want to work with someone who aligns with your values and vision to ensure a cohesive and authentic partnership. Does the influencer believe in your brand? Naturally, you want to collaborate with someone who genuinely supports and advocates for what your brand stands for, creating a more authentic and impactful partnership. Once you have your answers, you can effectively narrow down your choices, focusing on influencers who truly resonate with your brand’s values and vision and help you target your search more precisely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPlmd29e_VM Q: What are the advantages of hybrid events? A: A key upside of having this type of execution is that it widens the reach of your event. These days, people have busy lives, trying to find a work-life balance amidst all their responsibilities and goals. Traveling consumers time. With the click of a button, you’re suddenly part of an event. It also makes it easier to track success and get audience engagement because of the accessibility of technology. Here is a side-by-side comparison of In-Person, Online, and Hybrid Events. Q: Knowing these facts, how do you find the balance? A: What you want to bring the same level of satisfaction to your event attendees, customizing it to whether they will be attending it virtually or in person. Integrating the appeal of a digital event (and vice versa) is also a way to increase the appeal of an event for both parties. For instance, a simple shout-out to the online world, asking them to respond via chat and emojis is a way to make them feel like they are part of the on-ground event.  On the other hand, providing the media with a digital copy of the press kit and other event materials will speed things up in terms of dispatches and pick-ups. The event world is an ever-evolving thing because the world changes constantly as well. We learn as we go and as much as we can. In the process, we grow as professionals and as people. So, while hybrid events are relatively new, we know that it all goes back to your product and your market—the foundation of a brand and its success. That’s it for today’s quick read! If you have any topics that you want us to discuss, feel free to let us know through this short survey! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to deniece@brandspeakasia.com SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to shai@brandspeakasia.com © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

Event Management

Will AI be your ally in your next event?

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu Will AI be your ally on your next event? September 3, 2024 We often hear it but were you able to harness the potential AI in your events yet? While the rising power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a marketing tool presents overwhelming possibilities, we encourage you to start somewhere. Let’s explore the ways on how AI can be your partner in pulling off your corporate event. Using AI to Know Your Market Audience knowledge translates to a highly-personalized approach in event marketing. With this, research for segmentation can now be done more efficiently with the power of AI. An example of a tool that you can use is Qualifyed which takes your existing audience, customers, and prospect data to automate creating lookalike audiences. On the other hand, Userpersona makes detailed profiles based on your product or service description, making it easy to create detailed customer profiles. Using AI to Enhance the Experience We believe that human creativity is still irreplaceable but you’ll also get a nod from us in saying that added value can be achieved with AI augmentation. If you haven’t yet, ChatGPT can provide you with initial ideas in creating themes and concepts for your event. You can also use  another AI-generated program called Midjourney to help you come up with design ideas of your venue, stage, and booth set-ups based on natural language descriptions also known as prompts that can get your creative ideas running. Go and explore, because AI is your new oyster! During the pandemic when the word “VUCA” was considered an economic buzzword, our team took on a challenge to provide one of our long-term clients (one of the leading insurance companies here in the Philippines) with a unique webinar experience as they launch their new products and services to its market. With the help of AI, we were able to create a memorable event with the use of avatars for our speakers and an immersive background that matches our slogan, “The Future Holds No Boundaries”. These small tweaks on usual webinar formats make the experience of online participants more enticing and fun! Now that we have the liberty to go out and hold in-person and hybrid events, we believe that this can still be applied to enhance the overall market experience.  Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-laptop-computer-sitting-on-top-of-a-wooden-table-G_vWviqUCCg?utm_content=creditShareLink&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash Using AI to Analyze Empowering a 360-degree AI effort throughout your event planning and execution process makes it easy to compile the data later on. You can use AI’s algorithm and intuitive nature to measure the success of the event and know for yourself if you have reached your project goals. One tool you can use is Expologic which is used as a tracking platform that shows you how long people stay in sessions as well as their movement throughout the activity. With these factors being monitored, you will know which segments your attendees like the most and help you plan for your future events.  Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to deniece@brandspeakasia.com SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to shai@brandspeakasia.com © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

Event Management

How much budget should you allocate for events?​

Home About Services Our Works Rates Connect Blogs Humberger Toggle Menu How much budget should you allocate for events? Planning your 2024 event budget? Determine your event budget and allocation based on these important factors August 30, 2024 Stepping into a new year prompts us to be excited about new opportunities for growth on the horizon. With the industry constantly evolving, the strategy on how to market your brand and service becomes a continual process that requires careful strategy and study. Case in point? EVENTS – one of the oldest marketing executions in the book. While events may have a long history in marketing, there are new technology, discoveries, and an ever-changing market to consider. This makes it a must for companies to be always updated with their market research and the way they strategize their event execution. One of the most important factors of the event is the budget. Like any execution, an event is done with specific goals, objectives, as well as Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Plan your event backwards by determining what result you want to get out of your event. This will determine how big or how small you are willing to invest. From there, you can work yourself into its specifics. Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-wearing-black-shirt-holding-a-purple-book-668137/ Give your attendees a memorable experience with your brand Let’s go back to the reason for planning an event—connecting with your market and generating a response to your call to action by providing the most effective guest experience to your market. Specific and segmented market knowledge is important because your event factors (budget, venue, date, vendors, communication efforts) will depend on it. For instance, if your market research shows that a large part of your audience is always online, there’s an opportunity to expand your reach at minimal cost by adding an online aspect to your event. Also, based on your market, you can project how impactful an event can be compared to other forms of executions that the same budget can be allocated to. Infuse new trends in the mix Integrating a new trend or idea into your event can drastically change its effectiveness. Knowing when to use new trends or when to mix them with traditional methods can highly boost your market reach while not presenting more event costs.  For example, tap into AI for an enhanced sign in process, use interactive displays and motion games that can bring your audience into a new dimension. This way, you can already provide them with a unique and memorable experience as you cut your brand’s message across. You can never go wrong with a well-rounded encounter with your target market. You may look at the videos of the previous events we did for our clients on BrandSpeakAsia’s YouTube channel. Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-white-printer-papers-near-macbook-on-brown-surface-590016/ Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/people-in-a-design-meeting-in-an-office-boardroom-pzFzd1AD8Ow Work with the right people Choosing the right people to work with in mounting your event is a crucial factor that will determine how much you spend or actually save with your budget. Resources for your event needs or support such as an event management team doesn’t have to take much of your budget. You have to look for ways in creating value-based partnerships with your partner agency, stakeholders, and even sponsors that can help you implement the main objectives of your marketing event.   This wraps up our discussion on planning the event budget. Though as we always say, there is no real end to the discussion because learning and discovering never stops.  If you want to know more about Events or if you need help on your upcoming ones, leave a reply to this email and we will be happy to hop on a quick call with you! Unlock weekly marketing insights from Your Monday Mentor Your Monday Mentor is a weekly newsletter by BrandSpeakAsia, offering executives and decision-makers targeted insights and motivational content on marketing strategies and industry trends to kickstart their week. Subscribe You have been successfully Subscribed! Ops! Something went wrong, please try again. Book a consultation FREE FOR 30 MINUTES Send an email to deniece@brandspeakasia.com SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER Scan QR JOIN OUR TEAM CAREERS AND INTERNSHIPS Send an email to shai@brandspeakasia.com © 2024 BrandSpeakAsia. All rights reserved Developed by GLAXIT Follow our socials

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