Got a product or service?

Now Let’s Find its Brand Voice

Just like that, it’s Monday again! How are you feeling? We’ve been discussing quite a lot about how being consistent with your brand distinguishes it in a sea of both direct and indirect competitors. Now, let’s rewind a little and focus on one of your brand’s foundations— its voice. So, what exactly is a brand voice and how do you find yours? Ready? Let’s begin.

Who am I talking to?

One of the main things that you should master first before crafting your identity is defining your target market or a group of people who you think your product or service is for. Once you’ve defined your target market, invest in getting to know them.

What interests them?

What kind of voice can they relate to?

What are their passions and hobbies?

What kind of careers do they have?

What is a Brand Voice?

According to an article in Linkedin by Blockclub,

“A Brand voice is shorthand for “how your brand talks,” and it’s on display in all your non-visual communications, including website copy, social media posts, marketing emails, sales decks, conference presentations, product instructions, advertisements, press releases, and more.”

Of course, to find your brand voice, you first have to define your identity, build by your key visuals as well as your other non-visuals including your values, mission, vision, etc. You may refer to the graph below as your guide.


One method to do this is by choosing an archetype for your brand, similar to how writers define its characters.

For example, you defined your brand as a hero, he/she would be someone who thinks of others first and is inspiring and courageous. If you defined your brand as an artist, he/she would be someone creative, artistic, and imaginative.

Watch this:

Imagine your brand as a person. How would he/she speak? What type of words would he/she use? Would it be formal or casual? Deep, light, or a mix of both?

Here’s something to get you started:


As we always say, remember to stay consistent! A well-defined voice is 100 times stronger than a cluttered one.

Want to talk about it some more? Send us an email!

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