Connecting with Your Market Amidst an Attention Economy

What exactly is the attention economy? An article is Business Today Journey describes it as such:

“In the so-called “attention economy”, our attention is constantly bombarded with information, from social media, television, or news sources, such that it is difficult for one particular information source to truly captivate our attention and influence us. An easily distracted audience means that marketers must devise new strategies, whether that be through addictive/engaging UI or through social media “influencers”, to endorse their products in order to stand a chance in this new economy.”

Business Today Journal, 2021


Information is everywhere. With different kinds of sources surrounding people, it’s extremely challenging for a brand to stand out and get its market’s attention. Even more so if the fact of competing not only with your direct competitors, but also indirect ones who are also working to get the same audience attention. There are only 24 hours in a day and people are busy living their lives. The hours for information consumption is limited and competitive. So, how do you get your market’s attention in the digital age’s attention economy?


Crafting Relevant and Competing Content

An audience responds to things that they can connect with. Case in point, it is important that you study, listen, and are constantly  updated with your audience. The type of content should be specifically designed to how your market behaves and thinks.

How do they like their reading materials? Do they prefer short, bite-sized pieces of information? What kind of sense of humor do they have? Are they into nostalgic ‘throwback’ posts? Dissecting your market and crafting your content based on this without being intrusive will make your content standout more, maximizing the resources you used to develop it.

Engagement and Call to action

When the audience is captivated by your content, make the most of it. How do you do this?

By creating an avenue to act. An example of this is how Facebook posts encourage users to like, share, and comment on their posts. By doing this, your content increases its traffic, possibly generating your business KPIs e.g. sales, and awareness in general.


Mise en scène

Don’t add to the noise surrounding your content. Once an audience is overwhelmed by your content’s clutter, there is a bigger chance that they won’t continue consuming the rest of it. Of course this depends if your audience is genuinely looking for that specific content or getting a hit from marketing efforts. Is it worth taking the risk? Of course not.

Like mise en scène’s practice in film and in theater, curate your content so your audience won’t scroll past it or brush it off as noise.

Yes, it is a challenge, but overcoming it and reaching your marketing will bring your brand a lot of business results and assets, including a relationship with your target market. This can translate to loyalty and eventually, organically create brand ambassadors and effortlessly increase your content tenfold.



Remember the two Cs:

Customer — always go back to your market.

Content — is always the king of marketing.

This has been your Monday Mentor! Have a good week, everyone!

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