Smart Ways to Boost Your Brand’s Presence Online Through Content

When it comes down to it, attracting and retaining an audience relies heavily on the actual meat of the things you publish online. In the sea of competition surrounding your brand, you can build an audience for your brand. It’s been said thousands of times, but we will say it again, “Content is King.” Let’s break down the basics of boosting your brand’s online presence through strategically planned content.

Marketing 360

The clearer the message, the stronger the effect will become. Centralize an integrated campaign around it, utilizing the online and offline platforms with an audience for your brand. For instance, if you saw a billboard while you’re stuck in traffic, a reiteration on Facebook will make your recall of the message stronger.


One of the greatest examples of a 360 marketing is Coca-Cola’s iconic ENJOY EVERYTHING CAMPAIGN (2013). It utilized multiple platforms including mobile, face-to-face, digital, and television, to capture its message of taking a break to enjoy sports with friends .Coca-Cola’s campaign span through a series of television ads. It also collaborated with  NCAA® March Madness® and CONAN.

Strategic Posting

When you’ve mastered your target market, you can strategize when to post, how to post, as well as utilize relevant trends and themes that they can relate to. A strong post, published at the right time, will make a world of difference on the engagement that it gets.

Here are some of the latest data on best posting times categorized by industry from coschedule.


Let’s talk about SEO

Through executions like keyword analysis, backlink building, Search Engine Optimization will make users catch your content more when they search for a topic related to it.  Good content is useless if no one will be able to see it. So, make it seen!

Thank you for enjoying today’s discussion! As both offline and online platforms increase, let’s remember to be strategic in our approach, going back to your brand identity, brand & campaign strategy, and target  market. Always think with an integrated and holistic approach.

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